Sage Vashishtha

One of the seven stars in the constellation Saptarishi is the sage Vasishtha. Vasishtha refers to an unparalleled brightness. He has overcome all negative traits like desire, rage, meekness, pride, and anger, as evidenced by his name. He was regarded as King Harischandra's and Lord Rama's teacher. He was one of the authors of the ancient and significant Hindu scripture known as the "Rig Veda." He was viewed as the principal holy person in the school of Vedanta laid out by Sage Adi Shankara. MitraVarua and Urvasi were the parents of Sage Vasishtha. Sage Vasishtha was one of Lord Brahma's Manasaputras, according to the Vedas. He was made by Lord Brahma to show the rest of the world the way to knowledge and enlightenment. He had divine cows named Kamadenu and Nandini, both of whom gave him enormous blessings and an unlimited supply of milk. He was a well-known figure during the Ramayana and Mahabharatha periods.

Sage Vasishtha is the father of Sage Shakti. It is believed that a king also killed Sage Shakti and all of his siblings. Even when the king saw the saint on his way, he remained stationary while he was traveling. His vanity presented to him a serious revile to turn into an evil spirit. He killed Sage Shakti and several other siblings out of rage. Out of rage, he quickly realized his foolishness and regretted it. The king asked the wise man to apologise after realizing his error. The Sage immediately apologised and granted his redemption, being extremely kind. An epic battle in history took place between King Vishwamitra and Sage Vasishtha. The sage has once greeted the king as he passes through the hermitage. The sage was able to provide the enormous army with delicious meals and drinks. He inquired as to why a sage of a small hermitage could satiate an army's hunger and discovered that it was "Nandini," the divine cow. The king fought the sage because he wanted to control the divine cow. Sage Vasishtha and the hermitage were spared thanks to the cow's unique powers. Sage Vasishtha, like King Vishwamitra, was a great sage. He failed after making several attempts. After that, he came to the conclusion that his ego had prevented him from being the wise. He became a great sage like Vasishtha after shedding his ego. Sage Vasishtha's Contributions: He has made contributions to religion and knowledge through the Yogavashishta Maharamayana and Vashishta Dharmasutra. He has rendered the Vashishta Purana, the Vashishta Saddhakalp, the Vashishta Shiksha, and the Vashishta Tantra, and he is very knowledgeable about astrology. His work, "Vashistha Samhita," discusses the Vedic astrological system. On the banks of the River Saraswathy, he lived like a great hermit. In his hermitage, which was overflowing with knowledge and compassion for all humans, he housed numerous men and animals. The nature of life, spiritual liberation, and human nature have all received additional explanations from him. Conclusions: Sage Vashishta emphasized the significance of combining divine and personal efforts in order to accomplish anything in this world. He thought that laziness was a disease that made people unhappy. In this manner through the sympathy, information and heavenly powers, the way driven by the extraordinary holy people are the upright way for the present mankind.